Unravel technical terms in the fields of testing and security with the expertise of Peak Solution
Industry standards for software products
Standards help integrate software products with analytics tools and platforms and form the basis for machine learning and AI
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What is prostep/ivip FDX?
Functional Data Exchange (FDX): An important step towards virtual vehicle development
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What is ASAM ODS?
ASAM ODS (Open Data Services) is an established standard for test data management in the automotive and aerospace industries.
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What are JAQuel Queries?
Use JAQueL queries in combination with the Python ODSBox as an intuitive and simple query language for measurement data stored in an ASAM ODS server.
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OpenSource Projects
Our commitment to open source: We support the open software ecosystem!
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Python ASAM ODS Utilities
Freely available Python utilities enable further use of ASAM ODS data.
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What are Docker-Container?
Docker containers provide the portability needed to install and run software in a cloud environment, on-premises or at the edge
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Convergence of physical and IT security
The boundaries between physical security and IT security are blurring and must be brought together in a central management platform
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What are EXD-API Plugins?
ASAM ODS EXD-API plugins enable access to legacy data through gRPC microservices that expose the contained meta and bulk data.
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What are Jupyter Notebooks?
Jupyter Notebooks are shareable documents that combine descriptive information such as rich text, images, or videos with live code to enable interactive data reporting.
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What is openMDM®?
openMDM® is an open source framework for the development of applications for measurement data management systems.
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What is a data model?
A data model defines the metadata of your measurement data and adds semantics to it, thus serving as the basis for machine learning.
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Informed decision making with data analytics
Find out what tools you can use to analyze data with Peak Test Data Manager. From interactive data exploration in a web browser to its use with Apache Spark.
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Find out how PeakTMS can help you to become DIN EN ISO /IEC 17025 compliant.
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